Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Assignment # 9

What I've Learned This Year
book saying first day of school

     Mr. McClung talks about what he has learned in his first year of teaching in this post. He describes how he developed a mindset where it was all about him during his college years. He now realizes that checking for student comprehension is the most important aspect of teaching. He also learned to be flexible when things did not go his way. I think this is very important for new teachers. I believe that we all get frustrated when things don't go exactly the way we planned them to go. We should be flexible and realize that some things happen for a reason that we might not see at the time they happen. I also agree with Mr. McClung when he says communication is very important. Many problems can be avoided if we communicate with one another. We should also not be afraid of technology according to Mr. McClung. Technology should be used to help us and our students. The last two things he talks about is to listen to your students and to never stop learning. I agree! I think if we ever stop wanting to learn something new as teachers, we should consider finding another field to work in. If we stop learning, how can we except our students to learn new things.


1 comment:

  1. Josh,

    I am glad to hear that you learned from Mr. McClung's advice, and I advise you to remember these things. I strongly agree with all aspects of his post, and I am already using them in the classroom. He makes some excellent points, like being flexible and communicating. Most importantly, we should never stop learning and adapting to new things!
